American Land Title Association — The American Land Title Association or ALTA, is a national trade association representing the interests of the abstract of title and title insurance industries. In addition to active members engaged in the title industry, associate members cover… … Wikipedia
American Land Title Association - ALTA — A trade association representing the title insurance industry. Founded in 1907, the American Land Title Association also focuses on a property s abstract of title, which ties the history of the title to a particular piece of real estate. The… … Investment dictionary
Title insurance in the United States — is indemnity insurance against financial loss from defects in title to real property and from the invalidity or unenforceability of mortgage liens. Title insurance is principally a product developed and sold in the United States as a result of… … Wikipedia
Association of Title Examiners — The Association of Title Examiners (ATE) is a professional association of individuals involved in the title insurance industry in Pennsylvania. The ATE consists of individuals from every major aspect of the title insurance industry, but focuses… … Wikipedia
Land sailing — Land sailing, also known as sand yachting or land yachting, is the act of moving across land in a wheeled vehicle powered by wind through the use of a sail. The term comes from analogy with (water) sailing. Historically, land sailing was used as… … Wikipedia
Land's End to John o' Groats — is a journey the traversal of the whole of the island of Great Britain from southwest to northeast.* Land s End is the extreme southwestward (but not southern or western) point of Great Britain, situated in western Cornwall at the end of the… … Wikipedia
Land value tax — Land value taxation (LVT) (or site value taxation) is an ad valorem tax where only the value of land itself is taxed. This ignores buildings, improvements, and personal property. Because of this, LVT is different from other property taxes which… … Wikipedia
Land and Property Laws in Israel — refers to the legal framework governing land and property issues in Israel. Following its establishment, Israel designed a system of law that legitimized both a continuation and a consolidation of the nationalisation of land and property, a… … Wikipedia
Land and liberty (slogan) — Land and Liberty (Spanish: Tierra y Libertad , Russian: Zemlya i Volya) is an anarchist political slogan. It was originally used as a name of the Russian revolutionary organization Zemlya i Volya in 1878, then by the revolutionary leaders of the… … Wikipedia
Land-grant university — Land grant universities (also called land grant colleges or land grant institutions) are institutions of higher education in the United States that have been designated by each state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890.… … Wikipedia
Land reform in Zimbabwe — began after the signing of the Lancaster House Agreement in 1979 in an effort to more equitably distribute land between the historically disenfranchised blacks and the minority whites who ruled Zimbabwe from 1923 to 1979. The government s land… … Wikipedia